Sunday, July 20, 2003

Propaganda is despicable, no matter which side spews it out. Surely, the reader knows that anyone choosing violence of any kind for any reason risks innocent victimization.

IF .you have changed your email address let me know your new one

What would you think of the proposal below, which was actually proposed by Leopold II, in Belgium and considered by Disraeli in England when the suffrage was first extended to all males over 25?

Every male citizen over 25 has the vote.
Those occupying taxable property were to have a second vote.
Those having successfully passed secondary school examinations would get an extra vote.
Civil Servants were to have an extra vote.
Heads of families would have an extra vote.

However, no one would have more than three votes.

Voting was to be made obligatory to ensure that moderates, who were frequently the politically indifferent, were not swamped by militants.

This proposal interests me because it addresses the tax question that has become a driving force of the militant conservatives in the country. The bonus vote to those who have families and to those who have educated themselves seems just.

The idea of required voting would work as conceived, it would smooth out the effects of radical ideas of the left and the right and would prevent minority militants of every stripe from controlling their parties as is the case today.

Your arguments pro or con are requested.