Sunday, October 02, 2011

Written by a friend,  Arnold Lewis  --  He plans his own Blog   --Leading from the Bottom---

For the Birds
You know, some females are really demanding.  They seem to lack patience, want what they want right now!  Some even get pushy, shoving another out of the way.  What is more, instead of wanting equality, they want dominance, total control even in public places, not hidden away somewhere with whips and slings.

I have seen unbridled pain inflicted over something very simple, that quite probably, had they been more pleasant, they might have had with no such seeming difficulty required.

And, when two such females of two different couples interact, either, or both, may push spouses or even the other's spouse or partner.  How or why any of this group would have another as a spouse is beyond me.  Unless there seems no escape.  Maybe they are partners awaiting the proper moment to be spouses, but I’d think that mastering one’s own behavior might lead to better, or possibly far worse, decisions and involvements stemming from spousing.

Is it possible that with recognizing no escape, the males simply back down in order to avoid more and more overt pushiness? 

What is even more concerning is that these spurts of behavior arrive seemingly irrationally.  Sometimes, one might find some reasoning, but even that takes a major stretch of imagination, since simple observation shows that with kindness, all may be satisfied, may find that sharing works just fine.  It truly is a strange phenomenon, and not unheard of in any circle or in any level of society.

It seems so uncalled for and surprising, especially when the females are all decked out in their beautiful finery.  The more bitchy seems to be the one in gray, and why wearing that color might indicate anything untoward, I have no idea.  Her cheeks are more lightly rouged than her partner in misbehavior.  Her hat is similar in color and design.  She waddles the same way, too.

The one in white may be learning bad habits.  Maybe this gray lady is teaching her tricks that alone she might have not learned.  Perhaps the gray lady has even shoved the beautiful lady dressed in white and lovely shade of yellow just once too often, and the latter may have developed a short fuse after having been abused in such an unseemly manner.

What makes the entire situation even more pathetic is that they live in the same house, share the same food, drink from the same wells.  Perhaps this sharing issue is the root cause.  With delivery of food and water, for instance, they stand quietly to observe without any concern.  And, they eat and drink with no problems, they even at this time seem to share easily, the lady in grey walking behind and entering the stage with no concern and no concern shown.  What happens next?  It is impossibly to understand why she’d get so upset.  And, even more impossible to understand why Ms. Grey’s behavior seems to set of the beautiful young lady in white and gold.

Perhaps, this is an age issue.  But, it would seem that age will exacerbate the problems rather than resolve them.  What appears even more influential is that these ladies’ partners do not seem to be overly insulted.  They react with not much concern, give room politely, share with little seeming selfishness and make sure the lovely ladies have what they want.

I believe they are spoiling them.  Or, perhaps there is a devious motive from the males, thinking about teenage affairs or long-term involvements.  If so, then it becomes difficult to decide which approach to take, which to condemn or acknowledge as good.

What is happening, for sure, is that the society has changed somewhat within that house.   And so, we’ll observe them as they observe us as we go about our days.

These little birdies offer much more than I ever expected.  They are becoming a part of me as they had already become a part of the other adults living here.  I am slow on the uptake, sometimes.
