Wednesday, July 01, 2009
watched The Burmese Harp tonight.

High in the castle in springtime
At a flower viewing banquet
The sake goblet makes the rounds
Casting its shadow against the walls.
through boughs of ancient pine
Moonlight shines
where has it gone
the light of days long past...


There is no end to words of farewell.

Another from Cavafy:

The Windows

In these shadowed rooms, in which I pass
gloomy days, up and down I pace
that I might find the windows. ---For a window
to be open would be a consolation.---
But there are no windows, or I can't
find them. And perhaps it's best I don't.
Perhaps the light will be a new oppression.
Who knows what new things it will show.

Translator: Daniel Mendelsohn

Notes from Bergman, "Through a Glass Darkly"

certainty unmasked.

One draws a magic circle around one's self to keep everything out that doesn't fit ones secret games..secret garden...

Each time that life breaks through the circle the games become puny and ridiculous so one draws a new circle and creates new defenses.

I'm scared Papa--anything can happen. Reality burst open and I tumbled out. It's like in a dream.Anything can happen.Anything.

" I know."

I can't live in this new world.

"Yes, you can. But you must have something to hold onto."

What would that be? A God? Give me some proof of god. You can't.

"Yes I can. But you have to listen carefully."

Yes, I need to listen.

"I can give you only a hint of my own hope. It's knowing that love exists for real in the human world."

A special kind of love, I suppose?

"All kinds. the highest and the lowest, the most absurd and the most sublime.All kinds of love..

The longing for love?

"Longing and denial. Trust and distrust."

So Love is the proof?

"I don't know if love is the proof of God's existence, or if love is God himself."

For you, love and God is the same.

"That thought helps me in my emptiness and in my dirty despair."

Tell me more, Papa.

"Suddenly the emptiness turns into abundance and despair into life. It's like a reprieve, my son, from a death sentence."

Papa, if it's as you say, then Karen is surrounded by God, since we love her.


Can that help her?

"I believe so." Papa leaves the room.

Papa spoke to to me...