Thursday, November 06, 2003

Universal Draft --Selective Service

As you know the government is looking for volunteers for the draft board. I am thinking about volunteering and have listed the following pros and cons.

Assists the government in an unholy endeavor.

Help to assure that the conscription not be limited to a single class. Making the selection certain of white, middle-class youth.

Preventing the escape of service by the children of the wealthy and powerful.

Making sure that all citizens be included and enrolled along side the white underclass and other classes such as blue-collar, Latinos, patriotic, and African-Americans, and other minorities thus ensuring a democratic and better educated armed force.

Help prevent a Junker class from evolving by assuring the cross-class, democratic selection of members of the armed forces.

Ensuring that in the future fewer members of Congress or the executive would be able to vote for war without having actually served themselves.

Your comments are solicited.

Golden Mean = 1.618