Sunday, March 21, 2010
A Repeat from April 2005

Has every grandisonic, lexiphnanic phrasemonger found his way to
Deadwood on Sunday nights? Have I been hornswoggled by its
magniloquent, bedizened language? Am I getting cock sucking
over-excited, overly enthusiastic about this fucking program, or is it
really approaching fucking Shakespearean heights?


Sunday, March 07, 2010

"Life is nothing but a competition to be the criminal instead of the victim."

Bertrand Russell.

"My loathings are simple: Stupidity, oppression, crime, cruelty, soft music."

Vladimir Nobokov

Yes, I want to be attentive, to see how things work, to see what things people do. I am a watchman, I guess, like Alvaro Murtis' 'watchman.'
But my habit of being at a distance from my own life, and for that matter being at a distance from the lives of those I love, the lives around me--removes me from what is real.I am always peering through a window to see what's real. But I can't "feel" through the glass.--Is that the way I want it?

m e k

Pictures must not be too expressive.

Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

El barman del Caesar’s cuenta chistes que hemos oído mil veces.Un caballo entra en un bar, por ejemplo. Yo susurro Sarah Evers me contó ese chiste en sexto y Josey dice mi hermano Steve en 1982. Una puta, un enano, un chino, nada que no hayamos escuchado. Entonces pregunta un cliente ¿En qué se parecen los martinis y las tetas? Y se echan a reír. Se lo saben, todos se lo saben, excepto nosotras. Ni siquiera se molestan en terminarlo. El barman sólo dice Sí, pero yo siempre he dicho que debería haber una tercera, en la espalda, para cuando bailas, y baila con una mujer de aire, tras la barra, su mano sobre la teta de la espalda. Y entendemos que tres son demasiadas y una no basta. Vale, podemos superarlo. Mis tetas me gustan como los martinis, decimos: pequeñas y manoseadas o grandes y secas. Perfectas. Desbordantes. Apestando a enebro, derramándose sobre la barra. Cuando tengo migraña y ella se me insinúa digo Josey, mis tetas son como martinis. Ella asiente, solemne: Más vale que nadie les ponga las manos encima. ¿Cómo podríamos contarle al barman estos chistes? No podríamos. No se enteraría. Lo digo mientras limpio las vitrinas de la cocina y ella entiende: sucias y mojadas. Caminando en el viento Josey dice Mis tetas son como martinis y yo pido un taxi, sé que quiso decir heladas, temblorosas.

And now a toast I heard first from the indefatigable Jose Espino, a Cuban imbiber and raconteur who was my friend for twenty-five years.

"Martinis son como las tetas de una mujer
Una no es basta
Tres son demasiada
Pero dos? --
suficiente y perfecta! "

Monday, March 01, 2010

A question has some in from a reader named "Issac."

Is it possible to reverse the flow of my blood through my veins?


The only way is through centrifugal force. You have to get a high speed centrigon (easily available through government surplus.) My guess is that the cost would be about $2500. Be sure that you are belted in properly, and wearing a Benguzzet Helmet. Pressure points will be ankles, knees, pelvis,thorax,and head. Each should be properly afixed to the inner-wall of the centrigon.

About one hour before strapping in, take 4 grams of Onvestium powder per 100 pounds of your own weight. Drink at least a liter of water, but be prepared to urinate during the process by wearing a tight fitting adult diaper.

There should be a medical unit at your side; the best would be a Board certified pulmonary specialist and a nurse practiced in resuscitation. Your pulse should not exceed 100 bpm during the procedure which should take between 15 and 20 minutes depending on your weight.

You did not state in your question whether you are male or female--but should you have long hair it should be netted and bound.

The centrigon should gradually reach 10,000 RPM, and kept at that speed for about ten minutes while turning your body upside down.

You will sense the blood flow reversal but it will not be an overwhelming feeling.

It would be normal for you to black out at 7500 RPM, but the procedure should be continued unless your blood pressure exceeds 120.

Good luck!

Doggie Dreams
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