Thursday, February 16, 2017

How naïve I am. Who knew that academics could wind themselves into such a frenzy?  The writer of this article unravels the frenzy by cutting it open with a very sharp, Gordian knife.

I am taking a chance by sending it to some friends who will understand it and may be offended. I hope they will still love me. Other’s will say they don’t like kitchen slop served as a fancy dinner. Put on your rubber boots and wade in.

The Perverse Ontology of Intersectionalism

Nice analytical piece by Helen Pluckrose. Consider the incoherent fuckwittery of, for example, "queers for Palestine" and the recent unholy alliance of feminism with Sharia law (I refer of course to Linda Sarsour, co-organizer of the recent Women's March blindly followed by white middle class pseudo-intellectuals giving new meaning to Kornbluth's The Marching Morons). The permutations of idiocy […]