Wednesday, June 01, 2005 dialog from Ingmar Bergman,

(the Knight notices the Priest behind the confessional's bars)

I want to confess as best I can.
But my heart is a void.
The void is a mirror.
I see my face...
I feel loathing and horror.

My indifference to men has shut me out.
I live now in a world of ghosts...
A prisoner in my dreams and illusions.

Yet you want to die.

Yes, I do.

What are you waiting for?


You want a guarantee.

Call it what you will.
Is it so hard to conceive God with one's senses?

Why must He hide in a mist of vague promises and invisible miracles?
How are we to to believe the believers
When we don't believe ourselves?
What will become of us who want to believe but cannot?
And what will become of those who neither will nor can believe?
Why cannot I kill God within me?
Why does He go on living in a painful, humiliating way?
I want to tear Him out of my heart.
Be He remains a mocking reality
Which I cannot get rid of.
Do you hear me?

Perhaps there is no one there.

Then life is a senseless terror.
No man can live with Death
And know that everything is nothing.

Most people think neither of Death nor nothingness
Until the day they stand on the edge of life and see the darkness.

(Priest, with longing)
Ah....the day.

I see.
We must make an idol of our fear
And call it "God."

You are uneasy.

Death visited me this morning.
We are playing chess.
This respite enables me to perform a vital errand.

What errand?

My whole life has been a meaningless search.
I say that without bitterness nor self-reproach.
I know it is the same for all
But I want to use my respite for one significant action.

So you play chess with death?

He is a skillful tactician but I have not yet lost one piece.

How can you outwit Death?

By a combination of Bishop and Knight.

(The Knight looks up at the Priest and realizes that it is Death not the Priest. )

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