Saturday, February 24, 2007

Discussion: Many people have written to say that I shouldn't have taken it upon myself to chase the thief. I should have let it go. It was only money, and not mine at that.

Here's one:

"Wow. I’m SO grateful that YOU ARE BOTH OKAY… here’s the lecture…

First of all – it’s “just money”. It wasn’t even YOUR money or your only picture of your long lost puppy or whatever else may compel you to run after a criminal.
Second, you didn’t have a gun, did you? What would have happened had you “cornered” this criminal and he (with his fear abounding) pulled out HIS gun? Do you think he would have made the right decision in assessing that YOU were a good guy?
Third, does it matter if she was driving a Mercedes or she was a check out girl who had just been paid? Had it really mattered to you, it could have saved you your life to have found out. Wouldn’t you have been the same hero to give her $1,000 on the spot? YOUR MONEY or YOUR LIFE?

I find your act incredibly heroic (and clearly your instinct had arisen from the goodness of your heart) – but next time… STOP. THINK. ASK the questions that may compel your decision to ACT. Then, call the cops and let them know he went down toward A1A.

J You are brave and I’m thankful that you and Maria are safe -- and finally -- the sociological paradox is priceless. I love you!

Here's my answer:

Every man must do as he thinks right.

I can't, won't, suppress myself. I could be a coward and live in a padded cell but I'd rather live in the real world. It is not "heroic" merely to do what is right. Never.

We must take positions and use our discretion to know when and how to act. Thirty-five years in Williamsburg taught me my limits. Those limits did not include backing down in front of desperadoes.

This is not say that would wrestle a gun or knife from someone. It is to say that I would do (and have done) what I can do when (if) the time comes to act.

This is also not to say that you, or Aaron, or Geoff, or Cory, or Max should act as I act. Only that you should act as you know that you can.

There is another side of me that wants to do what is right. Hence the chase, and hence its anticlimatical ending in which I found myself regretting the chase and "capture."

I felt like a slave catcher.

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