Saturday, May 09, 2009

Am I morbid?

Yes, I could be described as morbid. I dwell on the deaths of others, especially my friends, I read the obituaries of strangers and wonder about the lives those now dead.

I think about my dead friends and my dead parents and grandparents too often. I visit cemeteries and can spend hours reading the headstones of strangers. --and then I think about the lives those lying in their coffins had lead and what happened to their accomplishments.

I wonder about their descendants as well as their ancestors. I think about the graves visited (by whom?) and the graves unvisited.

If this be morbidity, I am morbid. Maudlin too.

1 comment:

  1. George Dufferin2:07 AM

    I know you can;t really be like this in real life. You'd have no friends.

